My #1 daughter had challenges with her pregnancy and I had to go and stay with her and her family. What fun. There are 3 girls and 2 boys. We have had so much fun. I have never been away from my husband in 35 years for more than 4 days and this has been a whole month and 2 weeks! If it were not for Nextel's and email, I don't know if we would have been able to have made it for the entire time. Technology is great!
On the 19th of February, the twin boys were born. A red head and a blond head. A major adjustment for the 2 year old boys already in the home and the mom and dad. Russ likes to hold both babies at a time and they love it.
The mom had a uterine infection develop 3 days after and scared me to death with 104+degree temperature. We made an emergency run to the doctor's office who ordered IV antibiotic therapy at home. [That was fun doing IV push and IV drip for three days.] The wonderful thing was as we arrived home, her Relief Society members brought by a meal for the family. Since we were so exhausted, that was a real blessing.
This weekend, my husband comes to fetch me home. I look so forward to seeing his loving face.
While I was at my daughter's, I took my first exam and began preparation for my term paper as well as turning my son-in-law's house into a greenhouse full of cuttings.
Life is all good. The Northwest is enjoying rain and snow. The South is enjoying a lovely spring. The best is that, I get to enjoy the best of both.
My #3 daughter has become twitterpated and my #1 son is graduating in May. My #2 daughter's son was dog piled in a physical education class activity and broke his clavicle.
My adopted daughter has lost over 30 lbs and dropped a whole dress size. How cool is that!

[The boy on the right is the one who broke his clavicle. This is a picture of when they visited Idaho. Note the Darth Tater shirts. LOL]
My understanding of life is growing every day. I hope that we will learn the direction that I and my husband are supposed to be moving in as we move into our middle age years. We are praying and seeking guidance so that we can make good decisions and not just act on impulse.
Listening to a living prophet helps more than I can ever explain.
"I believe the meek and the humble are those who are teachable. They are willing to learn. They are willing to listen to the whisperings of the still, small voice for guidance in their lives. They place the wisdom of the Lord above their own wisdom."(Gordon B. Hinckley, Ensign, January 2001, 2)